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Learn HTML - Learning HTML to Build
Should You
Bother Learning HTML to Build Webpages?
by: Leslie Pinczi
The most popular method to build webpages today is to use WYSIWYG
(What You See Is What You Get) software. Microsoft FrontPage
and Macromedia Dreamweaver are prime examples of WYSIWYG software.
Both programs allow you to create webpages as though you were
creating a document with your favourite word processing software
like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Its as simple as entering
paragraphs, headings and inserting clipart or images.
WYSIWYG software like those listed above are prefect for beginner
webpage builders who want webpages constructed quickly without
having to learn HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
The Lowdown: How
To Create And Send HTML Email
by: Steve Shaw
I am frequently asked how to create and send HTML email, usually
with regard to how to broadcast it to a mailing list. This article
presents the various options available to you.
Creating the content of an HTML email is very similar to how
you would create a basic web page. Just use your normal web
page editor, such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver (or even Notepad
can be used, in conjunction with a browser to preview the code),
and construct a web page in the normal way, saving it as an
.html or .htm file. You may consider creating an HTML email
template that you can use as a basis for all your future HTML
emails. If so, once you're happy with the basic look, save it
and then just open and re-edit for your future emails.
What the
Heck is Server Side HTML?
by: Robert Plank
If you're stuck in the dark ages and are still editing the pages
of your web site by hand, there's an easy way to change the
look of your web site on a moment's notice, by editing only
one file.
I know, there are all kinds of brand new blogging scripts, forums,
CMSes, and other stuff to make your site easy to update. But
on the other hand there are just as many desktop-based programs
that churn out thousands of static HTML files for you to put
on your server. What do you do when you have to change these
files later? Edit them by hand, one at a time? I don't think
so. You can save a lot of time down the road using Server Side
Includes (SSI). The point of using Server Side HTML is so you
can include other pages on your regular HTML pages, things like
a list of links you regularly update OR a header and footer. |