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What is Hot and What is Not in Technology

What is Hot and What is Not in Technology Top 10 Winners Predicted for 2007 1. Content Filtering With web content and syndication growing at a rapid pace locating information is becoming more of a struggle for web surfers. The abundance of content has made filtering critical to time management. As a result, content filtering and solutions that help with content filtering will be winners in 2007.

2. Pesonalized Search and Vertical Search will be a winner in 2007 Search 2.0 will be all about filtering and personalized search. Niche portals with targeted focus will play in vertical search and authority sites will gain even more traction. 3. Social Bookmarking and Social Networks Social bookmarking is the new black.

The collective voice has not only gained momentum but it has also attracted the most savvy web marketers. While there is still power of the collective voice, social networks and social bookmarking has gained attention, the masters behind these networks will need to stay a step ahead of the spammers to stay in the game. The danger is that the crowd, will become upset that a small group is profiting from the collective voice. The "crowd" will likely to manipulate the collective voice in 2007. 4.

RSS RSS is about choice and users choosing the content they wish to subscribe. RSS' adoption will reach significant numbers and even the naysayers will be unable to ignore its success in 2007. 5. iPod / iPhone / Video iPod / iTunes Apple has found a sweet spot with its iPod and the iTunes model.

Expanding the types of content consumed and the use of iPods and similar devices (ie. iPhone) will flourish. 6.

Cyber Security Privacy as we once knew it will never again exist. That does not mean that webmasters should be come complacent about security. Cyber security will be a necessity in 2007. 7. Going Green Alternative energy and going green is in.

Geothermal and hydroelectric power are hot, heck there is little in this field that is not heating up. Clean energy and alternative hybrid sources will prosper in 2007. 8. PodSafe Music Independent musicians who are willing to grant podcasters licensing rights will garner the interest and attention of the masses without having to go through a major record label.

Opportunities will be plentiful in the area of podsafe music. 9. Videocasting - Video Podcasting Software tools and technology have made videos accessible to all. Independent artists, realtors, and sports enthusiasts are flocking to this new medium. It is expected that this growth will continue throughout the new year.

10. Online Real Estate While the real estate market is cooling down selling homes on the Internet is hot. Online Real Estate auctions on eBay showed Realtors a new way to reach a larger audience. Home buyers from across the country can use RSS and/or filtering to monitor properties as they come on the market from specific regions or zip codes. Honorable Mentions 1. Web Services (Software as a Service) 2.

Mobile Web 3. International Web 4. Local Web 5. Podcast Quality 6.

Video Advertising Top 10 Losers Predicted for 2007 1. Zune Lets face it, the future of the Zune is in Apple's hands more than it is in Microsoft's. The fact is, unless Apple makes a huge misstep with the iPod, it is unlikely that Microsoft's Zune will have any luck gaining significant market share. 2. Software Patent Microsofts attempt to patent RSS will fail miserably.

In fact software patents in general will suffer in 2007. 3. Websites that Infringe on Copyrights Perhaps this is simply wishful thinking.

Somehow, somewhere, someone will crack down on flagrant website copyright violations in 2007. 4. Video Conferencing Video conferencing has chilled.

Video is seen more as an entertainment medium. 5. Social Wikis Wikis are becoming victims of persistent individuals with too much time on their hands. Credibility has and will continue to suffer in 2007.

6. Journalistic Accountability News and tabloid reporting are becoming more difficult to separate, unfortunately journalsists with integrity will continue to suffer as more citizen journalists and bloggers fail to check sources and confirm stories. 7. YouTube in Court YouTube has brought video to the masses. While technology has made videos accessible Google has ignored the issue of copyrights, Google's pockets are simply too deep, in 2007 they will be held accountable for hosting content that violates western copyright laws. 8.

Outsourcing Customer service and privacy concerns have cooled big business interest in outsourcing, this trend will continue in 2007. 9. Privacy Individual privacy will continue to suffer in 2007. Not a lot can be said about this, the advent of the Internet has meant that privacy will never again exist as we once knew it.

10. Web Legislation Attmepts to legislate the Internet ecosphere will fall flat. While these are our predictions of what will be hot and what will not be in 2007, we thought you would like to review other web predictions for 2007. Other Predictions 2007 Web Predictions - http://www.

readwriteweb.com/2007_web_predictions.php Enterprise Architecture: More Predictions for 2007 - http://duckdown.

blogspot.com/2006/12/enterprise-architecture-more.html Clicking into the Future, Predictions for 2007 - http://www.sitepronews.

com/archives/2006/dec/27prt.html 2006 Web Technology Trends - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/2006_web_technology_trends.

php Soundbytes: 5 Music Predictions For 2007 - http://www.kfoxtv.com/columnists/10574215/detail.

html 2007: A Storm is Brewing - http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/larry_elliott/2006/12/crystal_ball_gazing.

html Wish List for 2007 - http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=18656 Last Years Predictions How Did They Do? 2005 in Review, 2006 Technology Predictions - http://www.small-business-software.net/2005-in-review.

htm Year of Opportunity - http://www.sharewarepromotions.com/blog/200601.html#e1530 2006 Trends to Watch Part III: "RSS Inside" - http://www.micropersuasion.

com/2005/12/2006_trends_to__1.html New Media Predictions - http://www.masternewmedia.org/predictions/predictions_2006/new_media_predictions_2006_from_Robin_Good_20051212.

htm PC Winners and Losers - http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,123923-page,1/article.html Top 10 Web Predictions for 2006 - http://www.conversionrater.com/index.

php/2005/12/19/top-10-web-predictions-for-2006/ Corante Network Thinks about 2006 - http://web.corante.com/editorial/archives/2005/12/corante_network_thinks_about_2.php Scott Maxwell - http://scottmaxwell.wordpress.com/2005/12/23/2005-is-almost-over-now-whatpredictions-for-2006/ SEO Predictions - http://www.

stuntdubl.com/2005/12/27/seo-2006/ Worst Tech Moments - http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,69918-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_2 Big Stories in Search - http://searchenginewatch.com/showPage.

html?page=3574126 2006 SEO Predictions - http://www.isedb.com/db/articles/1332 2006 Predictions for the IP Communications Industry- http://pulverblog.pulver.com/archives/006056.


About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll http://www.feedforall.com software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage http://www.notepage.net a wireless text messaging software company.

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